Sales can be a tricky, especially in an industry like construction and surface preparation where the equipment or services you’re selling, are often quite expensive, and the competition is aggressive. Some people think selling is easy, and although it may come more naturally to some, it requires quite a bit of thought and the proper execution.
I’m sure you can think of a time when you felt harassed or annoyed by a sales person, or maybe you felt like they weren’t as helpful as you had hoped, and you were left with unanswered questions. Without the proper understanding or training, it’s easy to unintentionally self-sabotage your sales pitch with a potential customer, leaving you feeling discouraged and frustrated, and out of a sale.
Whether you are new to a sales role, struggling with the sales process, or training your sales team to be more efficient in their sales approach, we’ve put together a few tips to keep in mind to help you be more effective on your sales calls.
Learn everything you possibly can about what you’re selling. The better you know the equipment, products or services, the more helpful you’ll be when the potential customer is asking questions. It will also build confidence, and a confident sales person, is a successful one.
Get on board with the company’s vision. If you believe in what they’re doing and you believe that what you're selling will be a benefit to those buying them, you’ll feel more confident and sure when entering into conversations with potential customers. It is incredibly difficult to sell something you don’t believe to be a quality product or service, especially for a company that you don’t mesh well with. As a company owner, evaluate your vision and purpose. Make sure that it is easily explainable, so your team can all be on the same page, and focused on the same vision.
As a sale person, planning your day is very helpful. Knowing who you’re going to see, what the possible conversations are going to be, and rehearsing them, will help you to prepare for the possible questions you’ll be faced with. The more experience you have the easier this will become. Make sure to keep a mental, or written note of common questions you’re asked, or concerns you come across in the industry so you can have a well thought out answer.
Some sales people try to rush this part of the process, but having patience is incredibly important. Don’t be afraid of silence – give your customer the space they need to think and process. Sometimes stepping away and following up later is the best option. It’s important to feel out the situation and understanding what might be too aggressive, but also to know when you’re being jerked around. It’s important to be confident and firm, but also patient and considerate. Again, make sure to include your potential customers in the solution process as much as possible, when they feel like you value the relationship and are inevested in helping them, it will make the closing process a lot smoother.