Buying a used piece of equipment can be a great way to save money if you know what to look out for. Otherwise, it could end up turning into a waste of your money and time. Buying used Walk-Behind Power Trowels are no different, so how do you make sure that you’re on the winning side of this transaction?
There are 3 simple things to look out for when looking at used Power Trowels to help you weed out the quality pieces from the lemons. Because the nature of equipment can be unpredictable, it can be hard to tell what may or may not be wrong. The tips that we highlight are not a 100% fool proof, and are only meant to help you identify some red flags. Remember that whenever you buy something used without a warranty, you are taking a bit of a risk.
One of the things that will help to keep Walk-Behind Trowels running smoothly for years, is proper oil and grease maintenance. If you are looking at a Power Trowel and there are no signs that those two things have been properly maintained, you could run into some problems down the road. The main areas to check for oil are:
- Gearbox (There should be a place to see where the level currently is)
- Engine
If either of these look dry or under-oiled, take some caution. Lack of oil in these areas can result in your engine having major issues, and the internal components of the gearbox compromised.
When looking for grease, check around the spiders. Those are the main grease points on a Trowel.
Checking for proper oil and grease maintenance will help you to asses the mechanical state of the unit, but also tells you a lot about how the owners have probably cared for the equipment. A lack of proper care and maintenance is something you want to stay away from, if possible.
The way an operator has used the Power Trowel over the years is one of the most important things to try and asses and pay attention to. If the Power Trowel was treated poorly and not cared for effectively, it can drastically shorten the life and efficiency of the Trowel. As you inspect the Walk-Behind, pay close attention to any dents or bends on the spider arms as this may indicate that the unit has been dropped, or damaged during use.
Although you can't really know how someone used their Walk-Behind Trowel over the years, one of the tell tale signs is the overall state of the machine. If the unit looks like it has been beaten up and not cared for, it's most likely true.
This can indicate the owner has not been diligent with many important upkeep items, which could come back to bite you in the future.
Not saying that this is the main criteria to use when looking for a used Walk-Behind Power Trowel, but knowing which brands have a good reputation for manufacturing trowels that last, are good ones to look for when buying used. If you're unsure of where to start, do some online and industry research before you begin looking.
Another great thing about buying a used Trowel from a known brand, is parts and product support. Depending on the age of the Trowel, they will be more able to assist you as issues come up since they will always have parts stocked for their older units in the market still being used.

Buying used equipment can be a good option as long as you know what you are getting into. Before you buy used, you may want to check out what new Walk-Behind Trowel prices are, because you may find out that the "deal" you are getting with a use machine isn't really that good.
Hopefully after reading this blog you will be able to find a unit that fits your price point and is in a good enough state to accomplish what you need it to.