When planning a concrete placement project, whether it's a driveway, patio, or foundation, the..
Colored concrete floors have become wildly popular in recent years because of their very..
Polished concrete floors in residential applications are becoming really popular, especially in..
Surface Preparation and concrete polishing is a competitive industry and the ability to achieve..
Polished and dyed concrete can be a beautiful and durable surface that lasts for many, many years...
In my first blog on "What 35 years in the flooring industry has taught me" focused on mainly..
Like most kids, I grew up with friends who wanted to grow up to be astronauts, firefighters, and..
I really enjoyed my..
So you finally “bit the bullet”, spent the money, and got the machine. Maybe it a ride-on floor..
Guys ask me all the time if floor-removal jobs are profitable and worth doing? My response?..
Purchasing a ride on floor scraper is a really big investment, and if you are a small flooring..
A good quality Shot Blaster can power through tough jobs, fast. Typically, you shouldn’t have..
Without understanding how each metal bond tooling option works or does its job, it’s easy to select..